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Felicity is hugely grateful to her wonderful current owners for supporting her so far, and is always looking for additions to her team. Felicity would be delighted to discuss taking on a horse you already own, or help to source you a new future star to begin your journey of owning an event horse. If you are interested in knowing more, please do get in touch. There are many different options of how you can become involved as an event horse owner, some of which are explained below.


A sole owner is the outright owner of the horse and would pay livery, training, competition and running costs. You have the full spotlight and recognition of being the horses owner, have 100% capital ownership of the horse and can enjoy having your name in lights - whether it be in press articles, Felicity’s own media, and by events  over the commentary all around the country.


Syndicates are an brilliant way to be an event horse owner at a fraction of the cost. You purchase an agreed percentage share of the horse and pay the equivalent proportion of the livery, training, competition & running costs. You can enjoy the sport with other like-minded people in a team atmosphere. With up to three owners, each owners name will be mentioned as a part owner. If there are more, then a syndicate name will be used to represent all of the owners.


Leasing an event horse as either a full, part or syndicate owner is increasing in popularity, as it is the most cost effective of all ownership options. You pay a fixed monthly fee towards the expenses of the horse, but with no buy in fee so are not bound to capital ownership. Lease agreements span over an agreed period of time, before a review date when you can choose to renew or terminate your involvement. There are likely 10 or more people involved, but you will still get the benefits of being included as a owner. Felicity has some exciting horses she will be offering this option for in the near future, so stay tuned!


Corporate ownership is similar to sole ownership, but the ownership is a in the name of a company/business rather than a person. It can be an excellent marketing strategy. The company name can be included in the horses competition name, therefore bringing attention to the business when the horse is competing. With a top level event horse comes opportunities for hospitality events in the owners areas and at International competitions for clients or employees of the business.


"I wouldn't be able to do what I do without my truly fantastic owners. I owe them all so much and would like to thank each of them for putting their trust in me with their lovely horses! I am extremely grateful for their continued support."


If you would be interested in becoming an owner for Felicity either by investing in one of her current equines or a new one, or have her compete a horse you already own, she would be more than happy to discuss any options with you. Felicity can provide a high standard of care and training, tailored to suit individual horses needs from youngsters to top level.

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